A jobs program for Secret Service agents?
It sounds like the Secret Service just makes up these threats on the President to create a job program for Secret Service agents. Yea sure this guy is a credible threat to kill the President! Not only is the guy going to sneak out of his prison cell in Pennsylvania, fly to Washington D.C. and kill the President, but he is also going to play cannibal and eat Obama after he kills him. Yea sure! Well anybody except the Secret Service would say "Yea sure!" like I did. Of course the Secret Service thinks this guy is a credible threat.
Feds: Pa. inmate threatened to kill, eat Obama Dec. 17, 2010 11:03 AM Associated Press PHILADELPHIA- A career burglar from Pennsylvania is accused of writing a prison letter in which he threatened to kill President Barack Obama and eat his flesh. Secret Service agents say 32-year-old Gregory Dale Brockman also threatened first lady Michelle Obama and former President George W. Bush. Brockman pleaded not guilty to the charges Thursday before a federal magistrate in Philadelphia. His public defender, Mara Meehan, declined to comment. Prosecutors say Brockman told Secret Service agents that his anger stems from the U.S. involvement in Iraq. The agents say he also admired cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer and other serial killers, and vowed to act on his threats if released. Brockman, formerly of Lehighton, is serving 30 months for burglary and other crimes. |