U.S. Secret Service

Protecting the President, suppressing political dissent, and preventing politically incorrect free speech.

Peoria sergeant's photo prompts Secret Service probe

  Sure the Secret Service gets upset over trivial things. But think of it as a jobs program for overpaid Secret Service thugs. If the Secret Service didn't jump at all these trivial harmless incidents these Secret Service thugs wouldn't have jobs.


Peoria sergeant's photo prompts Secret Service probe

by Sonu Munshi - Jan. 26, 2012 09:10 PM

The Republic | azcentral.com

A Peoria police sergeant is under investigation after posting a photo on his Facebook page that showed several young men, some holding guns, and a T-shirt with a bullet-riddled image of President Barack Obama.

The internal investigation of Sgt. Pat Shearer was prompted after the agency got word the Secret Service was looking into the photograph, police spokesman Jay Davies said Thursday.

"We were made aware of that situation today and we have opened an administrative investigation to determine if there are any policy violations that took place," Davies said.

The photo has since been removed from Shearer's page.

It was posted Jan. 20, before the president's visit to the Valley on Wednesday.

The New York Times described the picture as showing seven young men, four posing with weapons and one holding the T-shirt, "with small holes and gashes," bearing a likeness of the president above the word "Hope."

The Times reported the image was also posted on the Facebook page of one of the young men in the picture posing with a gun. He was identified as a Peoria Centennial High School student.

Danielle Airey, a spokeswoman for the Peoria Unified School District, confirmed the individual is a Centennial High student, but was unable to confirm whether all of the people in the photo were district students.

"Right now we're just cooperating with the investigation of local and federal authorities," Airey said.

Davies said that Shearer, who has been with the department at least 14 years, remained on active duty as of Thursday.

According to the Peoria Police Department's social-media policy, which includes social-networking sites, "employees shall not post, transmit, reproduce and/or disseminate information (text, pictures, video, audio, etc.) to the Internet or any other forum (public or private) that would tend to discredit or reflect unfavorably upon the department or any of the department's employees."

Reporter Kristena Hansen contributed to this article.


The U.S. Secret Service