Don't these Secret Service thugs have any "real" criminals to hunt down????
On the other hand if you are creating a jobs program for overpaid Secret Service thugs, I guess you want to arrest people for any trivial thing you can find. Obama comment made during Santorum visit probed by Sarah Eddington - Mar. 23, 2012 04:59 PM MONROE, La. -- A comment made by a spectator during Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's visit to West Monroe has led to a Secret Service investigation. Santorum was at the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office Rifle Range on Friday morning as part of his campaign through Louisiana before Saturday's Republican presidential primary. While Santorum was firing off some rounds from a gun at a paper target before delivering his campaign speech , an unidentified woman in the crowd shouted: "Pretend it's Obama." Santorum, who was wearing protective shooting ear muffs at the time, later told reporters he didn't hear the woman's "absurd" remark. "It's a very terrible and horrible remark, and I'm glad I didn't hear it," he said. A representative from the Secret Service confirmed the incident and the fact that the agency is looking into the matter, but couldn't provide further details. "We are conducting the appropriate investigative steps," said George Ogilvie, public affairs officer for the Secret Service. |